Lending a Leg Up to Our California Horse Family and Friends

For the past two decades the Arabian Horse Community has been supremely generous in assisting our entire equine community during times of catastrophic events like the current situation unfolding in California. The willingness and generosity of our community to help during such dire times is truly the greatest testiment to the true nature of the amazing horse that brings us all together, and now is a time when both our Arabian family and the entire equine community in California is in need of a leg up.

Donations will be immediately dispersed early on for hay, shavings and grain to horses rehomed to evacuation centers through our many members who live in the area, and as always, we will be looking and asking for information on any specific Arabian community members who have been affected.

Your dollars will help, as always, but perhaps even more important, your support illustrates better than anything all that the Arabian horse has to give the world. Thank you all for having Hearts as Large as The Arabian Horse.

Help Us Give a Leg Up To Our Arabian Community!

The unexpected crisis can happen to any of us at any time, and we have little control, no matter how careful, over when, how, or where. What we do have control over is whether we are able to find a positive path out of any given disaster. The dollars your donation represents is important, but what really makes the magic is the little bit of extra courage that each donation sends to one of our community members immediately after an unexpected catastrophe. Thank you for Being An Arabian Horseman Who Helps!

Small Business Owner’s Guide to the CARES Act

The programs and initiatives in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that was just passed by Congress are intended to assist business owners with whatever needs they have right now. Learn More….(PDF)

From the Loving Friends of Pat Trowbridge

Many of you may already know that Pat Trowbridge is currently in the ICU at (hospital name). On his way home from Nationals, Pat fell ill, and his condition deteriorated rapidly. Initially diagnosed with pneumonia, he underwent multiple rounds of antibiotics without improvement. This led to hospitalization the week before Convention.