About Google

Joined July 2018


What is Google Scholar
It is a search engine that only lists academic or scientific documents. This is a good way to start a web search while making sure the credibility of the sources and documents is improved.

The evaluation of each document found, however, remains an essential step.

Google Scholar can not at any time replace a more exhaustive search in the bibliographic databases to which the library is subscribed.

advanced search
The same search operators as Google are used.

How to access advanced search in Google Scholar?

advanced search

After clicking on the “Advanced Search” icon, the search interface that appears will allow you to perform an advanced search. Among other things, you can choose the author, the name of the publication and the date of publication of the documents you are looking for.

Configure settings
You can access the settings of Google Scholar by clicking on the gear at the very bottom of the menu on the left:

You can then choose the default bibliography management software to import the records in one click:

Finally, you can also configure Google Scholar to access particular libraries. Once you have accessed the parameters, simply click on “Links to libraries” and then type “HEC MontrĂ©al” in the search bar:

Google Scholar-specific tools

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My profile: By logging into your Google account, this section allows you to set up your profile to follow the quotes of the articles you are authoring.

My library : If you are interested in an article, you can simply click on “Save” and the article will be saved in your library. It will be easy to find it.

Alerts : When one of your queries gives relevant results, you can turn it into an alert. Thus, you will be notified by email if new articles identified by this query are published.

Google Scholar and EndNote
You can export bibliographic records from Google Scholar to EndNote in two steps.

1- After making your request, click on “Quote”.

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Activity Feed

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